Demand Side Instruments

Let’s protect the natural resources of tomorrow… today

At Demand Side Instruments, they provide IoT solutions for agriculture. They create agronomic tools and mobile apps to help manage resources and address the consequences of climate change. Gain an edge in nature with their precision agricultural equipment, weather forecasting, and decision support tools!

Examples of applications: agricultural weather sensors with specific features for different field categories:
- Soil: Monitor soil temperature, moisture, conductivity, and pH.
- Air: Monitor air temperature and humidity and understand wind changes and gusts on your plots.
- Water: Control water pH, monitor rainfall, and manage irrigation.

Models used: The PP73 plastic enclosure for sensors is ideal due to its contemporary design and ventilation for electronics.

Customization services used: CNC machining allows for adapting the electronics to the enclosure with great precision to make all required connections. Also, digital printing of your logo for brand identification and enhancement.

At Supertronic, we are dedicated to guiding our clients toward the ideal selection of enclosures for their projects. We will help you discover the complete solution for custom encapsulation of your electronics. Our team of experts will ensure that you find the enclosure that fully satisfies your needs.

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